Eating Through Life

Adventures in eating from a 23 yr old with eyes bigger than her stomach.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Things I have made over the last few days

1. Mayonnaise from scratch.

One egg yolk, a hell of a lot of olive oil, some dijon mustard and some lemon juice. I managed to get it to the right consistancy without it splitting, but it ended up tasting a little bit like crap. Possibly need to invest in better quality oil. On the upside - Amazing upper arm workout.

2. Roast Potatoes with Prosciuto.

Not going to post the recipe, as it's out of the Jamie book, and I don't want to be involved in any copyright court cases, thanks. But they were delicious, both times I cooked them, for dinner for myself, and for new years eve dinner for myself and Ms Cate.

The recipe in the book calls for an apple corer and for the prosciutto etc to be stuffed into the hole that's made, but I don't have an apple corer. First time I made them I cut them in half and tried to stuff the stuffing between 2 potato halves. Making said potatoes balance enough was a problem, so for the second time, I wrapped each half potato in the prosciutto and baked them that way, and it worked much better.

3. Crumbed Baked Prawns.

Again, Jamie taught me how to make them so I can't teach you. But they were damn yummy.

4. Tartare sauce.

To go with said prawns. A few spoonfuls of good quality mayo (so not the stuff I homemade, I went and got some proper whole egg mayo from the supermarket for this one), the juice of one lemon, a small handful of chopped capers, a couple of pickled gherkins (also chopped), chopped fresh dill (optional).

Mix it all up and refrigerate until you need to use it.

5. Mini fry-up.

New years morning (or afternoon, depends on how your new years eve wnet, really) is not the same without something fried. Usually this is ham and egg rolls on the BBQ with leftover baby from Christmas. I didn't have ham on the bone for BBQing, so made myself a mini fry-up of an egg, mushrooms, and a tomato. It hit the spot nicely.